Robert Nadon
Montreal, Quebec H3A 0G1
Contact Robert Nadon
Robert Nadon began his career as an experimental psychologist and transitioned to statistical analysis of high-throughput biology in the 1990s as Director of Informatics at Imaging Research (in St. Catharines, Ontario). While there, he led a team of statisticians, programmers, and biologists to develop novel statistical algorithms and software for microarray analysis. Among the first to champion currently broadly-accepted formal statistical procedures for gene expression microarrays, he developed the first commercially available software package for analysis of microarray data (ArrayStat).
Since joining McGill faculty in 2002, Dr. Nadon has given over 50 invited scientific presentations and workshops on high-throughput data analysis. He has been PI on three Génome Québec funded grants on high-throughput methods in genomics and a grant on high-throughput screening funded by FQRNT. He is currently an Associate Editor with BMC Bioinformatics and a panel member on the NSERC Genes, Cells and Molecules Evaluation Group. He has established ties and has forged collaborations with colleagues in France; he was a visiting researcher at the Commissariat à l’Énergie Atomique (CEA) in Grenoble, France (2009-2010) and took the McGill lead toward establishing formal links between McGill and l’Université de la Méditerranée in Marseille. He has consulted internationally for biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies at all stages of research projects for both traditional and high-throughput research studies, from initial concept to final data analysis.
Current research interests include computational and statistical methods in various high-throughput biotechnologies (e.g. gene expression; high-thoughput screening; high-content screening; genome-wide translation).