Leo Liu

Leo Liu

Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology and Immunology
Francesco Bellini Life Sciences Complex
Office: Room 369; Lab: RM 370
3649 Promenade Sir-William-Osler
Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3G 0B1
Alternate Phone Number

Contact Leo Liu

Leo Liu completed his postgraduate studies at the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization (VIDO) of the University of Saskatchewan. His Ph.D. research with Dr. Yan Zhou spearheaded the discovery of the influenza A viral RNA repertoire activating the innate RNA sensor RIG-I, and it also refined the spatial and temporal organization of the RIG-I signalling for sensing nuclear-replicating viruses. He then pursued postdoctoral training with Dr. Michaela Gack at the University of Chicago and then at the Cleveland Clinic, where he studied innate immune regulatory mechanisms and viral strategies of immune evasion, emphasizing the innate RNA sensor MDA5 and SARS-CoV-2.

My laboratory is interested in understanding the fundamental innate immune sensing mechanisms and their interplay with viral pathogens. We use RIG-I-like receptors and respiratory RNA viruses, particularly influenza A virus and coronaviruses, as models to discover new players in pattern recognition and regulation of antiviral innate immunity. We leverage state-of-the-art experimental approaches that combine genome-wide phenotypic screens, reverse genetics, and animal models to dissect the host-virus interface at a molecular level. Our ultimate goal is to achieve bench-to-bedside translation of innovative antiviral therapies and vaccines.